March has started! - Reisverslag uit Perth, Australië van Lotte Hellewig - March has started! - Reisverslag uit Perth, Australië van Lotte Hellewig -

March has started!

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Lotte

05 Maart 2014 | Australië, Perth

Where did I left off?! Oh right the festival. On Monday I went over to Meghan's with Tim and Hugo to have a play/chat-date. It turned out good! And it was fun! On Tuesday was Peter's birthday. It started with a b-daybreakfast at 7.30. He got his presents and was pleased with the lego I gave him. His actual party was on Friday, so the rest of the day was 'normal'. I washed the car in the afternoon with Hugo. Can you imagine? He 'helped', it was the thought that counted haha. At the end the car was clean and so was Hugo. In the evening Meghan came over, fun as always. On Wednesday I went to Swan Hill with Meghan, another town an hour away from here. We walked around, relaxed, went to a winery (didn't drink, don't worry) and stopped near a lake-kind-of-thing on the way back. Took some nice pics and got a lot of new ideas for another free day. Thursday was pretty normal, I'll spare you the details. On Friday I baked the cake for Peter's birthday party, which was at 3.30. The party was pretty fun! It was a ninja-party! Went to the cabin around 6, and had to watch Hugo and Tim for about an hour at 7, so the others could go with Jolmer to set traps for the yabbies. The weekend was pretty quiet, because Meg went to the parents of Luke for the weekend. I slept in, watched some shows, worked out, met with Melisa and watched a lot of movies haha.

New week! On Monday I went to Meghan's with the kids first and took Tim and Hugo to Cohuna to go the playground around 11. I hadn't been there and Marianne told me she went there once I think. It was a nice playground, shady and a lot to do. Tuesday started off not good. I got to the house and I had three sick kids. Poor things had been sick all night, so I played nurse for the day. Luckily during the day they got a little better and we were able to do some crafts in the afternoon.

Another Wednesday! What to do, what to do?! Well let's go to Echuca :) and I did, with Meghan. We had a nice day. We had dinner at the cabin and around 8 we went to the house, so Christel could go and pick up the new au pair. We had some tea together and went back to the cabin around 9-9.30. We stayed up and chat a little bit (I actually went to sleep around 12). First impression is good, she seems nice. It's weird though having to share everything now.

On Thursday it was weird starting work with someone with you. I've been doing it alone for 3 months, so it was an adjustment. The whole day was kind of different, which was to be expected. I kind of just did my thing and had someone seeing what I did. I felt all experienced and smart haha. We ended up staying at the house until like 10, so I was exhausted after that. Gerda and I talked for a bit and I went to bed at 12.

Friday was a short day. In the morning I did some laundry, cleaned up a bit, did some groceries and picked up Hugo. We had lunch and around 1 PM Christel came to pick Hugo and Tim up. They were going to Melbourne to see 'Grease' the musical, so we were off earlier. We did have to finish some laundry and feed those ** chickens and the pigs, before Meg could pick us up to go to Melbourne for the weekend!! We had to take the bus and the train to the city. After a longgg trip we arrived at the hostel. Have you noticed how once in a while my trips start shaky? Well.. this one was no different. We got to the hostel and wanted to check in with my driver's license. Has never been a problem, so I was standing there all ready to dump my bag. 'You need a passport. Or an Australian driver's license'. To make it short, we had to find another hostel at 9.30 PM on a Friday night. Luckily we found one fairly quick and I immediately checked if that woman was right. It didn't say ANYWHERE that you had to have an Australian drivers license, so guess who's getting a bad review on hostelworld?! Anywho.. we went out that night to a nice bar and went to bed around 1.

Early start on Saturday to get some free pancakes!! You could make your own at the hostel and of course we wanted some of that! During the day we walked a lot, had some coffee and food, looked at some souvenirs, went to Hosier lane and the Causeway (lanes with graffiti) and walked through the Crown plaza. At night we wanted to go to several places and after getting there and seeing that there were private events for like half the night, we ended up at an Irish pub. It had live music and I very much enjoyed it. And with that setting I had a Guinness. I just couldn't drink a Heineken beer at an Irish pub in Melbourne, Australia.. We were staying in different rooms, because all of it was booked. Didn't sleep great this night. My night: went to bed at 1.30, woke up at 2 'cause someone came in, woke up at 4 because the other two that were in the room decided it was a good idea to turn the lights on when you have to walk 1 foot to your bed and had to wake up at 8.30 to get breakfast.

Started the Sunday off with some breakfast and we headed into the city. We walked past the river, which was nice and got some coffee (YES starbucks :) first. After we just walked around for a bit and went to Spencer Outlet Centre. Around 4 we sat outside of the station for a bit and just relaxed and read. We got some dinner at the IGA and hopped on the bus at 6.25. We were home around 10.30 and immediately went to bed.

Another week! It didn't start good for Gerda. She was sick, from either jet-lag or a virus that is going around, so I had to work alone that day. There was a lot of laundry, so I was in cleaning-mode. I washed, foulded, played, cut, cooked, drove, laughed and all the things you can think of you do in a day. When I got back to the cabin I took a shower and went to the house to get some medicin-things for Gerda (plus side of the being a nanny for doctors). I watched some shows and went to bed around 10. I was pretty tired from the last couple of days.

Tuesday starts off pretty quiet. I have to help from 8 to 8.30 and then the kids are gone, cause they all go to school. It was nice though, cause I woke up feeling nauseous. Gerda was still sick, so I was working alone. She did come around around 10, and I went to pick Hugo up at 11.30. After that I went to Meghan's for a playdate and lunch. I left around 1, played a little with Hugo and prep for dinner. At 3 I picked the others up and went to the club for a bit. It started raining a lot, so Meghan was there too. She doesn't have a car, so she was waiting out the storm. I went home around 4, fed the animals with the kids and made dinner. The oldest three kids have karate on Tuesdays, so after dinner I drove them there. Gerda wanted to see where it was, so it was a really full house in the car. When we got back Christel was there fairly quickly.

Well it turned out to be quite the story again! Hope you enjoyed it!

  • 05 Maart 2014 - 06:38

    Henriëtte :

    Nou nou wat een belevenissen weer allemaal.
    Fijn dat je zo geniet samen met Meghan. Kan me voorstellen dat het wennen is met iemand er bij! Maar genoeg te doen, zo te lezen. Geniet nog maar een paar weken, en dan.... Jouw vader en moeder die je van alles mag laten zien. Je bent al een echte ingeburgerde Australische dame. Maak er wat van de komende weken en we lezen je volgende avonturen wel weer. Lieve groetjes uit Berg van Henriëtte en de mannen.

  • 05 Maart 2014 - 10:26


    Hoi mop,
    Weer een heel verhaal met veel afwisselende dingen! Geniet nog maar.

  • 05 Maart 2014 - 11:07


    Weer een weekendje Melbourne...leuk!
    Geniet er nog van!

  • 05 Maart 2014 - 16:27


    Ha Lotte,
    Weer veel meegemaakt.
    Goed dat jij er nog was, toen het andere meisje ziek was.
    Geniet nog een aantal weken van je werk en dan van alles met je ouders gaan ondernemen.Zij kijken er ook naar uit.
    Liefs voor deze keer uit Athene
    Dennis en Marie-Jose

  • 06 Maart 2014 - 19:47


    Hoi Lotte,
    Wat een ziekenboeg, maar goed dat zuster Lotte er is.
    Hopelijk wordt je zelf niet ziek!
    Zo te lezen heb je het reuze naar je zin.
    Geniet er nog maar lekker van.
    Liefs Danielle

  • 25 Maart 2014 - 20:17

    Sandra Schiltmans:

    Dag lieve schat,
    schele oogjes van het lezen. kleine letters en in het engels. Pffff. Ik lees dat je een toptijd beleeft en ik schaam me om te zeggen dat ik nu pas jouw blog heb gevonden. Toen je in de USA zat was ik een trouw lezer maar deze,ai,ai.
    Inmiddels is paatje en maatje en...??? gearriveerd. Surprise?
    Hebben jullie het naar jullie zin? Vast wel. We denken wel aan je en wensen je nog heel veel plezier. als we elkaar zien dan heb je uren de tijd om alles te vertellen met foto's. We verheugen ons erop.
    see ya


  • 01 April 2014 - 10:27

    Hanneke En Luuk:

    Hoi Lotte,

    Veel plezier met je ouders. Time flies... Ik zie ons nog bij jullie in de woonkamer zitten en nu zijn je ouders er en gaan al weer bijna weg...Geniet er nog maar heel veel van!

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Hallootjes! Mijn tweede Mijn tweede avontuur. Dit keer gaat de reis naar Australie voor 6 maanden. Ik ga 4 maanden werken als au-pair bij een Nederlands gezin. Dit wordt gevolgd door 2 maanden backpacken door het geweldige land. Ik ga jullie weer zo goed mogelijk op de hoogte houden middels deze blog. Ik hoop dat jullie weer net zo enthousiast zijn als de vorige keer en lekker veel reacties achterlaten! Liefs Lotte

Actief sinds 28 Okt. 2013
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25 November 2013 - 02 Juni 2014

Second Adventure!!

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