Time to say goodbye.. - Reisverslag uit Melbourne, Australië van Lotte Hellewig - WaarBenJij.nu Time to say goodbye.. - Reisverslag uit Melbourne, Australië van Lotte Hellewig - WaarBenJij.nu

Time to say goodbye..

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Lotte

02 Juni 2014 | Australië, Melbourne

29-31 mei: arrived in Melbourne at 6AM, technically it was 4 for me. After arriving at Southern cross and dumping my bag in a locker, I went for some coffee and breakfast. I walked around, ate, drank and read. That's pretty much it. At 4 my bus was leaving, so at 3.30 I went to get my bag. When I got to the locker, the screen to open it said 'out of order'. WHAAAT!? Mini heart attack! I went to a luggage counter thing and they called someone to open it for me. When he got there I had 10 min left before my bus left. He was really nice and starteda conversation with me. I fekt bad having to politly cut him off to catch my bus. At 8.15PM I arrived in sweet Aussie home Barham. Christel picked me up and at the house I saw Jolmer, Gerda and Tom. The kids were already asleep, except for Laura who came in to give me a hug (so sweet!). I had some dinner, they had fresh lobster from the river, we talked and drank and had a good night. At the cabin Gerda and I talked for like 2 hours and went to bed.
In the morning I went over to the house for some breakfast. Leona, the cleaning lady, was there and I couldnt restrain myself from scaring her. It was funny and good to see her again. I went to the bank to get my account closed, got some bread and Gerda and I would go for lunch after. We went to the Long Paddock and had a good time catching up. She went to Bendigo with Tom so unfortunately I had to say goodbye after lunch already. Christel was taking the kids to ride their horse, yeah they got a horse!, so I had time to repack and watch Friends. I had a lovely meal with the fam and watched 'the Incredibles' with the kids. Such a funny movie!! After a nice shower, I went to the cabin. It was a short night the night before, so Christel and Jolmer wanted to go to bed early. I watched some episodes from Friends and went to bed around 11. It was freezing, freezing cold! I
slept with my hoodie and the heating blanket on. My alarm was set for 6.15, because my bus was at 7.05 and Christel picked me up at 6.45. My last goodbye! So sad!! I arrived at Southern Cross around 11.30 and made my way to my hostel. After dropping my bags (backpack, rugsack and suitcase haha) I went to get some lunch. After walking around for a bit again, I went to a Dreamworks Exhibition at the ACMI. It was so much fun, seeing the whole process that goes into making such movies. Worth the money! Nothing special the rest of the day.

1 juni: slept in today, until like 10. After that I went for breakfast and walked around a bit again. I was meeting some girls from an au pair facebook site for coffee at 2. When it was 2, only one turned up. One bailed because of the rain (you sissy) and the other said she couldnt find me (only bright yellow hoodie at the top of the stairs at Flinders Station). Anywho after a nice coffee at Starbucks, I showed her around some of the hotspots of Melbourne. She left around 5 , I got some dinner and went back to the hostel.

2 juni: got up at 9.30 because I had to check out. After that I pretty much ate, drank, read and walked around. At 4.30 I started making my way to the airport. I'm meeting Floor here, she has an international flight as wel. My flight is at 22.30. Thats the startpoint of my 2 day travel. I arrive in Schiphol at 6.45 local time.

Well this is my last blog! I had an awesome time here, sad to see it end. Thank you for all the replies and see most of you back in the Netherlands!


  • 02 Juni 2014 - 13:29


    Ja meisje, na een geweldige tijd begonnen aan de terugreis!
    Het was leuk om je blogs te lezen en zo je avonturen mee te beleven!
    Have a safe trip/flights home.
    See you at schiphol, om je heerlijk te knuffelen!

  • 02 Juni 2014 - 19:17


    Weer een avontuur en mooie ervaring rijker...goede reis terug naar het kikkerland!

  • 02 Juni 2014 - 22:36


    Whatever you carry in your heart, you'll take it with you for the rest of your life!
    See you soon! ♥

  • 02 Juni 2014 - 23:08


    Hi Lotte,
    Goede terug reis met een volle rugzak.xxx

  • 03 Juni 2014 - 00:25

    Henriëtte :

    Zo meisje,
    Je laatste blog. We gaan ze missen. Maar zoals altijd komen aan alle dingen een eind.
    Je brengt wel heel veel ervaringen mee naar huis.
    Nog een goede reis en tot gauw.
    Liefs de Muldrianen xxxxx

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Hallootjes! Mijn tweede waarbenjij.nu. Mijn tweede avontuur. Dit keer gaat de reis naar Australie voor 6 maanden. Ik ga 4 maanden werken als au-pair bij een Nederlands gezin. Dit wordt gevolgd door 2 maanden backpacken door het geweldige land. Ik ga jullie weer zo goed mogelijk op de hoogte houden middels deze blog. Ik hoop dat jullie weer net zo enthousiast zijn als de vorige keer en lekker veel reacties achterlaten! Liefs Lotte

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25 November 2013 - 02 Juni 2014

Second Adventure!!

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